Friday, December 01, 2006

The new season of the OC

I thought the OC was really good last night. Not sure why, but I really felt like they are trying to develop the stories more. Plus I enjoyed how Che sold Summer out, and now she hates him. Katlian really had an A+ show, and so did Taylor. Seriously, I think those 2 have really re-invigorated the show. They are both very funny, and infinitely more talented than Marissa was, so glad they killed her off. I thought the ending was great, with Taylor kissing Ryan, and thinking that Ryan doesn't feel a "spark" but secretly he does, great build up for how Ryan starts to fall for Taylor. It seems less forced this way. I definitely like how they are letting this story line grow a bit before throwing them together. Yes, I believe the Taylor fantasy window washing scene is definitely going to be good TV next Thursday (she is seriously hot, way hotter than Marissa)….The Texas business man character was too good. I love it when TV makes fun of people from Texas.

My Thoughts on Last Night's Survivor

Great season so far. The Whites are falling apart, great TV.

Survivor was awesome last night. I've watched A LOT of survivor, and I haven't seen that much anger EVER. Candice was a BITCH for calling out Yul in front of Jonathan. Now, Yul has to be afraid of any Jonathan reprisals, and I think the end game is going to be A LOT tougher for him now. I don't know if people are going to vote for him at the end. If they vote on which player played Survivor the best, then I think he should definitely win, but I think there may be too much emotion on this jury. I love how Pavarti called Yul "the puppetmaster" at camp and tribal. He is trying to be too diplomatic, he needs a little bit more aggression to him.
I think as a point of reconciliation towards Adam and Pavarti, he should arrange to vote Jonathan off next week. This will probably elevate him in the eyes of the jury, and he gets some extra time to charm Adam and Pavarti into thinking that he had to get rid of Candice first because of her initial betrayal. He can sell that explanation, let's see if he sees this angle. Everyone hates Jonathan, there is no way they will listen to him on the jury. Bringing him to the final is dangerous, that guy is a snake, and you have to get rid of him as soon as possible.
I actually like Adam, I think he is a pretty funny dude, plus he is a trash talking jock. I really don't think there is any hope of him making it beyond the next 2 weeks. Once there is a challenge that involves swimming again, Ozzie is going to crush EVERYONE, and Adam's time will have come.
I have no idea why Yul having the secret immunity idol is such a shock to Adam, Pavarti, Nate, and Candice. Did it not occur to the old Raro tribe that since none of them had the idol, and Yul had been sent to exile that there might be a chance that he had it. Geez, the young/cool/pretty people in this Survivor are almost retarded, I fear for the future.
Pavarti's gameplay confuses me a little bit. I am not sure why she doesn't start to slut it up around camp even more now. She is casting her lot with Adam, and it’s a sinking ship. Pavarti needs to work Ozzie or Yul more, its in her best interest, plus she has the best remaining swimsuit. Her bathtub scene at the reward challenge was too much, but I loved the part where she was like "You guys already have the numbers, why do you want this too?": The simple answer young Pavarti, is that you can never let a weakened opponent gain strength, old Raro is weakened, it was time to put the hammer down. I am glad Yul and Becky understood this really basic tatic. Going for the juggular and sending Candice back to exile was a masterstroke.
Kudos to Candice for not breaking mentally. I thought they would've broken her sending her to exile that final time. She was a good competitor but switching sides really screwed her game. She should've played it closer to the vest until the merger because she could've backstabbed Aitu later on with no reprecussions. She definitely had to be the next too go, she is too much of an immunity threat, and she is the kind of player that calls out everyone's game.