Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Restart

So I am back to blogging. Its been a really really long time since I have resorted to cyberspace to fill the monotony of trying to pass the time at work. The reasons I left blogging earlier this year are numerous and uninteresting, but I'll tell you anyway because I can't think of a better starting spot.

So, I was working at this accounting firm earlier this year, which afforded me quite a bit of free time at first, which I wasted writing a blog. Oddly enough, writing this blog was a lot of fun, but like all things in life became a chore when people wanted regular updates. Um, who do they think they are dealing with, the Sports Guy? I don't get paid, so I do this when I can. Second, and probably a way more important reason was that I got really busy at work, and the prospect of spending 30 mins a day writing random thoughts down really didn't sell itself. Finally, I quit my job at the end of June, and spent the next 3 months in blissful unemployment, translating to working out and travelling a lot. Suffice to say the summer was well spent. Unfortunately, reality has set in, and here I am back in a cubicle farm.

I am now working in the exciting world of telecommunications, which means as an accountant, very little has changed. I am currently a Financial Analyst for Internal Controls at my company, and I have few, if any, day to day responsibilities. I am responsible for a bunch of projects, but in reality, these only require a few hours a day, or cause me to be swamped at the end of every 3 months. So here I am writing to no one in particular, hoping, pleading, praying that you will like it (actually, I'm not, but please keep reading).

So going forward, I am committing myself to 3 updates a week to this blog, which doesn't mean I'll be writing every time, maybe I'll put up a new link or something, but its in my MS Outlook Calander now, so there is no getting away from it! Look for exciting updates soon about things that I like to do which center mostly around watching sports, working out, watching TV, thoughts about TV, and places I want to go visit.

You might be asking what about your thoughts on your relationship? Well, shame on you, those are private thoughts, and might only come out on a sex tape when I am rich and famous.


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