Tuesday, April 11, 2006

News on the Duke Lacrosse Persecution

Note that I said persecution not prosecution. What is happening to the Duke Lacrosse team is a horrendous miscarrage of justice. Some individuals in the media would like you to think that this is a racial issue, its not, the incident in a gender issue, and more importantly, its an issue that perfectly demonstrates that unequal treatment of men when faced with a female accuser (not victim). The feminist movement seized control of the media, and created a PC feeding frenzy on the backs of these innocent male students. DNA evidence has now proven that the players are innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt (the only people who disagree were probably on the OJ jury). None of the players' DNA matched samples taken from their accuser.

What does this mean? Hopefully, it means that the fem-nazi movement will have their knives blunted a little, and they'll think twice before blindly attacking any man who stands accused of anything by a woman. Unfortunately, nothing will change and these banshees will continue to be a bain on men everywhere. For now, brothers I would like to point out that there was a victory today against the feminist horde, and that should not be taken lightly as the fem-nazis will continue their attack on male rights.

As an aside, with the DNA evidence exonerting the Duke Lacrosse team, I find it interesting to see what the reaction will be from the feminist movement. From the very beginning the feminist movement has driven the hysterical reaction to what "alledgedly" happened. I think that the lacrosse players are owed a big apology espeically from the feminists since it has been scientifically proven that the "victim"/liar/opportunist/profiteer conjured up the entire scenario in her twisted mind.

Some more interesting facts:

• According to the FBI, one of every 12 claims of rape filed in the United States are later deemed "unfounded," meaning the case was closed because the alleged victim recanted or because investigators found no evidence of a crime.
• In Maryland, Howard County Police classified one out of every four rape allegations as unfounded in 1990-91.
• Citing a recent USA Today article, discussing the miracle of DNA and FBI studies of sexual assault suspects, DNA testing exonerated about 30-35 percent of the more than 4,000 sexual assault suspects on whom the FBI had conducted DNA testing over the past three years.
• According to Purdue sociologist Eugene J. Kanin, in over 40 percent of the cases reviewed, the complainants eventually admitted that no rape had occurred (Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1994).
• In 1985, the Air Force conducted a study of 556 rape accusations. Over 25 percent of the accusers admitted, either just before they took a lie detector test or after they had failed it, that no rape occurred.
• In 1996, the Department of Justice reported that of the roughly 10,000 sexual assault cases analyzed with DNA evidence over the previous seven years, 2,000 excluded the primary suspect, and another 2,000 were inconclusive.
• Linda Fairstein, who heads the New York County District Attorney's Sex Crimes Unit and is the author of Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape, says, "there are about 4,000 reports of rape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about 50 percent simply did not happen."
• Craig Silverman, a former Colorado prosecutor known for his zealous prosecution of rapists during his 16-year career, says that false rape accusations occur with "scary frequency." Silverman noted that "any honest veteran sex assault investigator will tell you that rape is one of the most falsely reported crimes." According to Silverman, a Denver sex-assault unit commander estimates that nearly 50 percent of all reported rape claims are false.


Blogger s27wong said...

Hey cool dude, I didn't know you had a blog.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Billy Bee Absentee said...

Yup, I had one before, but got too busy at work to maintain it. I'm trying to be more diligent with this one....

10:10 AM  

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