Wednesday, May 10, 2006

PS3 and Blu-Ray

I can't understand why people are still buying the Xbox 360, its not even HD-DVD. With the PS3 coming out in the Fall of 2006, why would anyone waste their cash on a 360. The PS3 will be able to be used as a Blu-Ray player. For those of you who think Blu-Ray is going to be Betamax, Sony's relentless push towards vertical integration (buying movie studios) has rendered this concern moot. Consider this, right now on the Bestbuy website there are 13 Blu-Ray movies available with classics like Terminator included in that number. HD-DVD movies number 12, with the Bourne Identity being the best of the bunch. Clearly, HD-DVD hasn't taken a huge lead on Blu-Ray like VHS did to Betamax, and the content for both is mutually exlusive. Seeing as how a visionairy like Steve Jobs (aka the most powerful man at Apple AND Disney) has decided to back Blu-Ray exclusively, I think we all know who is going to win this fight...Sony. So in my opinion, if you're thinking about about getting Xbox 360 don't, buy PS3, you'll get more bang for your buck. Of course, I only play sports games, so hardcore nerd gamers may disagree with me.


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