Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Wonders of Money and Work

Now, I am not going to post my normally long and eloquent dissertations on the state of my life, but this dawned on me while at the gym the other day. I was speaking with a corporate recruiter who also happens to workout at the same place that I do, and somehow it ended up with us exchanging business cards, and its now likely that I am going to be working somewhere else come fall 2006. Now, this just seems like I took advantage of a networking opportunity that came up, and I am maximizing my time by working out and looking for new work, but the thing is, I wasn't looking for a new job. Yes, I was interested in moving into something else, but I wasn't actively looking. But I was presented with the opportunity to get a significantly large pay increase, so I took it. Which brings me to my point; I used to hope that I would end up in a job that would make me happy, and that I would wake up every morning and enjoy going to work. By used to, I mean this was my hope a few short years ago (like 3 years), but the more I worked, the more I realized that I won't ever get that, and its probably best that I just make as much money as possible because cash about the only thing that I enjoy about work. Of course, the new job will come with more responsibility, and I will be able to get in there at a higher management level. I'll have even less work activities, but I'll have to deal with more shit. The upside of that is that I won't have monotous activities to slough though (reviewing people's work is boring, but it beats doing it yourself), plus I will make more. Anyway, I just wanted to express my shock at having become a complete and utter mecenairy. Honestly, I will work for the highest bidder, and I don't feel at all connected to my work environment. I wonder how many other people are like me out there. Personally, I think this disconnect between organizations and employees is going to grow, but who knows. All I know is that every year is a free agent year for me, and to be honest, promote and pay me, or I'll find some place else that is willing to cause I realize that I don't even know what work loyalty feels like.


Blogger s27wong said...

Well that's because you're still working on the accounting side without a direct relationship to the core business. I bet you'll feel different if you switch over to the marketing or product development divisions.

11:17 AM  

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