Friday, May 05, 2006

Some Random Thoughts about the NFL Draft, TV, and Taking Up New Hobbies

So I've been pre-occupied with work/slacking off lately, and I haven't really updated this blog in a while, but since I actually ran out of work to do today, I thought, what the hell might as well inform the entire webspace of some mundane thoughts that I have. I am too lazy to actually put these thoughts into structured paragraph form, so they are just going to be random, point form, and probably barely coherent.

1. The Houston Texans drafted Mario Williams (DE, NC State) over Reggie Bush (RB, USC). This is probably the biggest mistake I have ever seen made in a draft. Sam Bowie over Jordan happened when I was 4, so I really don't remember that one. Reggie Bush is probably the best RB I have ever seen with the exception of Barry Sanders, who was Reggie's equal. Mario Williams could potentially be Julius Peppers, and MAYBE if EVERYTHING goes right, Reggie White. Reggie Bush starts and stops on a dime, with a type of rare acceleration that we are treated to once in a generation. Mario Williams has great measurables, but a very questionable motor. Do you know which DE was drafted #1 last that fit Mario Williams' description? Courtney Brown, that's who, and the Texans are going to regret it like the Browns. Remember you can always coach up defensive players, you can't coach once in a generation playmaking potential.

2. Volochuck getting his ass beat down on the OC. I really enjoyed this, in fact, now that he stole a car, I really hope he gets arrested, and put into a fake prison. Let's just say I hope Volochuk's future cellmate introduces him to the prison culture the same way Tweener on Prison Break got introduced to it, and let's really hope we will get a glimpse of it.

3. Family Guy and American Dad keeps getting better. In fact, they are at a point that exceeds the Simpsons apex. Family Guy is probably the greatest TV show ever since he will say just about anything regardless of the reprecussions. I mean, South Park is at Family Guy's level, but SP is on cable, Stewie and Brian are on at 9 pm on SUNDAYS!!!

4. Watching the Sorpranos isn't really that great anymore. James Goldolfani can barely make it through a scene without sitting down anymore. In fact any scene that involves him walking around is extremely distracting since he can't stop wheezing, and his lines are barely intelligible. Plus Adriana is dead, so we can't oogle her great rack anymore. On the plus side, Meadow is hot again since she lost 50 lbs, and she is willing to prance around in her underwear more often (something that would've been frightening with fat Meadow).

5. Survivor is having one of its greatest seasons ever. The amount of backstabbing is stunning, I mean no one's word means anything anymore. Actually, I really love games like this, it takes a certain moral-relativity to always put yourself ahead, its my personal motto, so these Survivors are playing the game like I would, dirty. Plus, Terry is probably the greatest physical competitor that Survivor has ever had including Colby. Terry is definitely going to make it to the final 2, but depending on the deal that Danielle is about to make, he will probably win it, unless the Cassya tribe really just hates Terry that much. Oh, and Danielle is pretty nice to look at.

6. My Name is Earl is finally starting to get better again. Its cause Jamie Pressley is being involved in the scripts more. When she was taking her clothes off in her metoric rise to the absolute apex of B movie stardom, I would've never thought I would say that she is probably one of the most talented comic actresses on TV right now. I guess all she needed was a role where she could imitate her mom (get it? cause she's white trash...I slay myself sometimes).

7. This weekend, I will be going to the driving range with some friends, after which we will probably go and grab some sushi. On Saturday, I will be going to the gym, relax and read, then I'll be cooking dinner with the gf, and probably rent a movie afterwards. I have officially become an old person. This is a complete and total shock to me, but at the same time so inevitable that fighting it seems futile, and I might as well enjoy the ride (in a future German car of course).


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